Monday, June 12, 2006

I have missed my Dad

Today, my Dad flies back into the country from his trip. My Aunt and Uncle took him on a trip to Rome that included a cruise in the Greek Isles. I am sure he had a good time, but I know it has to be bitter sweet as well. He still misses my Mom so much and would have loved to share the trip with her. We all do. The above picture is my Dad with my Sister In Law. I have talked to him on the phone every day since my Mom died in October. Since he has been out of the country for 2 weeks, I have not talked to him and I really miss him. Actually, he should be on the ground in New York now. Again, I can't encourage you enough to tell your parents that you love them. Take time to talk to them and spend time with them. You will never regret it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your Dad is back in must be very happy to hear his voice again. Have fun catching up!


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