Parents are very special people. Make sure that you call and visit your parents. You are not promised a tomorrow with them. I have really been thinking about my Mom today. She died very suddenly and unexpectedly last October. I wasn't ready for her to go away. I miss her so much. I can't encourage you enough to let your parents know that you love them. Make right any wrongs between you and others. Don't have any regrets if someone close to you dies. The first picture really depicts my Mom as I remember her. The second one is of her and my Dad. He is still alive and I talk to him every day. He is 1000 miles away and that is sometimes very hard. He left today for a trip. After Tuesday, I won't be able to talk to him for about 2 weeks as he will be out of the country. I already miss our chats. Sorry, I didn't want to make anyone blue today. The Lord has been so faithful to my family and I throughout this whole thing. I have no complaints.
I agree Marci....Your parents are your best friends in the whole wide world. What sweet pictures of your parents. What a homecoming that will be when we meet them in Heaven!
I'm glad I read this today. My mom was visiting on Saturday and I found myself feeling irritated after her visit. She can be so negative -- prattling on about health ailments, etc. No matter what you say, she has something negative to add.
But I am truly thankful that she lives just an hour away, that my children enjoy her so much, and that I have her around.
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